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Women’s Day

This Women’s Day, the Saartjie Baartman Centre’s women not only had great fun but we were also privileged to be celebrated by others. The day started with some of our residents accompanying a staff member to the bollywood fitness fundraiser, where Veena Sukha, a Bolloywood dance instructor, had organized a dance event to raise funds for our Centre.

This year, a total of R4230.00 was raised! The women had great fun dancing at the event and were in awe of the generosity of others towards the Centre. After dancing at the Samaj Centre, we returned to Saartjie Baartman Centre, where The Lion Club not only provided the women with a three course meal, but also treated them with manicures and pedicures. The women found this to be very exciting and it allowd them to feel appreciated by others.

The Saartjie Baartman Centre once again would like to say Thank You to Veena and The Lion Club, for your generosity and for taking the time out to give to other women.

Below see pictures from these events:

