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Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children announces new Director

The Management Board of the Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children is pleased to announce the selection of Advocate Bernadine Bachar as its new Director. She will join the team in January 2018, following the departure of Ms Shaheema McLeod. The appointment was made after a highly subscribed search and recruitment process.

Bachar has been active in protecting the rights of children since the start of her career in law. Her extensive knowledge and experience as a Senior Family Advocate at the Office of the Family Advocate will provide a solid basis in her leadership role at the Centre. She is passionate about social justice, specifically gender based violence and children’s rights, and shows integrity, dedication and enthusiasm.

Bachar believes that this opportunity embodies what she has been working towards throughout her career and is excited to lead the Centre. She is looking forward to the new challenge and will rely on her personal values of transparency, respect, engagement and perseverance in taking the Centre forward.

On behalf of the board of management we would like to pass on our enormous and heartfelt thanks to Shaheema Mcleod, who has been at the helm of Saartjie Baartman Centre for the past 14 years, as both Centre Manager and most recently as the Director. We also thank the entire staff for their support during the transition period.


Gill Kerchhoff

Chairperson of the Saartjie Baartman Centre and lead of the Human Resources Committee
