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Scholarship for virgins

Scholarship for virgins is ‘preposterous and archaic’ – women’s rights centre (NEWS 24)

26 January, 03:11 PM

Women’s rights activists across the globe have criticised SA municipality, uThekela, for offering scholarships to virgins. We speak to Shaheema McLeod, director at the Saartjie Baartman Centre, about what these scholarships say about human rights in South Africa.

McLeod tells us she thought it was a joke, when she initially read reports that the KwaZulu-Natal municipality was offering scholarships to 16 young women who were not sexually active.

“There’s something very wrong with this picture,” McLeod says as she questions why equal opportunities are not created for women in South Africa. McLeod asks, “why do we have a scenario where the state has the ability to abuse resources to promote their personal agendas?”

To see the interview on news 24, follow the link below:
