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Infinite Woman at the Saartjie Baartman Centre

Infinite Woman, a Cape Town-based learning and networking forum for women in business and professional women, hosted a function at the Saartjie Baartman Centre on 27 July 2006 to raise awareness of women and child abuse among its members.

Patricia de Lille, at the Centre in her personal capacity, spoke inspiringly and forcefully, condemning the high level of violence against women in South Africa. A nation that abuses its women and children to the extent that ours does, does not deserve to be called a nation, she said. She commended the Saartjie Baartman Centre for the difference it is making in the lives of so many women and their children.

Centre clients and staff, together with some of the members of Infinite Woman, enjoyed a number of challenging songs, written and sung by Verity, and joined in a short exercise to help boost self esteem.

Sophie Rasmussen, a cranio-sacral therapist, provided a therapy session for one of the mothers and her child and has committed a day a month to the Centre.

Infinite Woman founder Shiru Githiomi said that the forum had decided to nominate the Saartjie Baartman Centre as their NPO of choice to support. They will be donating 10% of all their proceeds to the Centre and will create a mentorship programme between its members and the shelter clients. Other donations that Infinite Woman and Verity brought to the Centre came from Educor Holdings, Scholastic Inc and Shoprite Checkers.
