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Keeping our doors open

January 28, 2016

Thanks to your generous support, the Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children’s  doors have remained open to serve women and children who are survivors of domestic abuse. We are delighted by the response. Although there is always a need for funding to ensure that we are able to continue our much-needed work with survivors

Scholarship for virgins

January 28, 2016

Scholarship for virgins is ‘preposterous and archaic’ – women’s rights centre (NEWS 24) 26 January, 03:11 PM Women’s rights activists across the globe have criticised SA municipality, uThekela, for offering scholarships to virgins. We speak to Shaheema McLeod, director at the Saartjie Baartman Centre, about what these scholarships say about human rights in South Africa.
