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Saartjie (Sarah) Baartman's story

Who is Saartjie (Sarah) Baartman, and why have we named our women’s centre after her?

Who we are

The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children (SBCWC) was opened in 1999 as the first multi-disciplinary service (one-stop) centre for abused women and children in the country. This provided an opportunity for organisations to come together as partners to develop an appropriate on-site multi-agency service delivery model for the effective management, treatment and prevention of violence against women and children. It also presented an opportunity for a partnership approach between government departments and the non-governmental sector.

Vision, Mission, Objectives

Vision – The vision of the SBCWC is the creation of a safe and secure society and a human rights culture, where women and children are empowered to exercise their full rights.

Centre Staff

Saartjie Baartman Centre staff members:


Bernadine Bachar ( )
Provides strategic leadership to the Centre; responsible for strategic planning for the growth and sustainability of the Centre, for partnership development, fundraising, networking and the replication of similar centres in other parts of the country.


Our vision is for women to be free from all forms of violence and oppression in the
public and private spheres.
