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16 Days of Activism against violence

The 16 Days of Activism against Women and Child Violence has been a very busy period for the Saartjie Baartman Centre. It is always good to see that whilst we are involved in various activities speaking out against violence, many enjoy coming to our Centre to honour and to assist our residents, to encourage them and to share gifts with them.

Below see some of the acitvities that has taken place during the 16 days.

Minister Fatima Chohan from Home Affairs visited the Centre to engage us in a dialouge concerning the issue of violence. Women and children from other shelters also visited our Centre to participate the dialouge and shared in a lovely meal with us thereafter.


Jaque Le Suer, a magician well known to the Saartjie Baartman Centre, returned to entertain the chidlren in the creche.


Thank you to Clair Price and your team at work for sending the beautiful gifts for the children in the shelter


Lastly, thank you to Eskom for donating all the toiletries to our Centre as well as monetary donation collected.
