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February 9, 2016

During their stay in the shelter, the women have many opportunities to talk about their experiences and express their feelings, to their counsellor or to one another. Sometimes it helps to write it down…

Tronke Sonder Tralies

February 9, 2016

Prisons Without Bars Terwyl ek in die supermark na die gesigte om My kyk, wonder ek hoeveel siele is soos myne in `n Tronk sonder tralies – `n tronk van emosionele en verbale geweld. Hoeveel voete in fyn skoene het ook weer die bewaarder met wie Ons getroud is se landmyn afgetrap. Die tronk het

I am free!!

February 9, 2016

Too many traumas, heartaches, bitterness, sadness, loneliness are in my life Today it must come to an end; today I have risen above my circumstances Today is my day I am not in his house any more, although I have nothing now I AM FREE !!

Poem of appreciation

February 9, 2016

We all have our doubts and from time to time we all lose our way; but to be fully human is to believe in something or someone, to know that it’s possible to face the unimaginable and somehow to put one foot in front of the other until you manage to find your home again.
