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Donating to the Centre

The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children is a registered nonprofit organisation. Like all NPOs in South Africa, we are dependant on government, foundations, corporate business and individuals for most of our funding.

What will you be investing in by giving to the Centre?

  • A shelter where abused women and their children can live safely for three to four months;
  • Ten second stage or transitional houses, where some of these women and children can live for a further nine months;
  • Economic empowerment programmes which give the women skills and confidence to become financially more independent;
  • Free legal assistance that helps women apply for protection orders and child maintenance;
  • On-site partner organisations which provide specialised counselling (e.g. substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, rape, trauma) and job skills training.

What will your annual return on this investment be?

  • 3600 women participating in the Centre partnership programmes, and leaving more empowered through empathic and supportive counselling, skills training and greater awareness of their rights;
  • 250 women and 200 children living in safe accommodation, who also benefit from counselling, life- and job-skills training and psycho-educational workshops and go back to their communities strengthened and supported by their shared experiences;
  • continued growth of the number of services available from the Centre;
  • increased ability of Centre staff to consult to other organisations wanting to start similar one-stop centres, thus enabling more women and children to access essential services;
  • transparent and accountable reporting to donors;
  • tax-deductible certificates;
  • mention on the Centre website of your contribution and support.

Donations can be made in the following ways:

By cheque:

Please make your cheque payable to The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children, and post it to:

P O Box 38401

By bank transfer:

Bank name: First National Bank
Branch: Rondebosch
Branch code: 201509
Branch address: Fountain Centre, Main Road, Rondebosch 7700
Account holder: The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children
Type of account: Current account
Account number: 62028179415

Please fax (021 637 3487) or email notification of your deposit, as well as your name and address to and ask for your Section 18(a) receipt for income tax purposes, should you require it.

If you have any queries or comments, please contact us:

Telephone: 021 633 5287
Write: P O Box 38401, Gatesville 7766
